Thursday, April 3

Help is Needed!

Someone please... my poor sister has been going through a rough patch - and I mean ROUGH. As many of you know she is currently homeless. The poor girl has been spotted digging through trash and looking for food where ever possible. She has even gone so far as to beat the mad rush of homeless at a local dump, in the pouring rain, because a dump truck from a local McDonald's was on it's way. What can we do to help the homeless??? The homeless like my sister. I cried when I saw this photo of her sneaking across the boarder back from Mexico where she goes to sell Chiclets for pesos.

Oh Em, I love you and I know you are working your hardest to make ends meet for your family... please let me know what I can do - did you get the package of potato pearls and powdered milk I sent???


Emily said...

I knew those mud run pictures were bound to show up sooner then later!

Tracy said...

You two are OOC!

Wendy said...

Ok, this is too funny! I was just showing your blogs to my sister Amy. She loved catching up on Emily's life. Love all your new posts! Your family is darling!

Wendy said...

What a heroic mother. She is such a strong example to me. Prayers are on the way.

Janan said...

That explains the missing food storage from my house!