Tuesday, January 8

"Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam"

( I changed the name of my post.... thanks Wendy) So last week was Owen's first week in Primary. John and I were nervous as how things would go - nothing prepared us for what was about to go down. Owen cried and whined the entire opening exercises, sharing time and singing time. If I had him he wanted John, when John had him he wanted me. During this poor kids talk he yells out, "I want to go home." Finally when it was time to go to class I though things would be better. Oh no, it was a matter of minutes before the teacher said (in so many words) it would be better if we left. I tried taking him to class with me, you know to show him a lesson - that is more boring with me, and he was so disruptive there that we just went home. Now it's Tuesday and my anxiety is on the rise as each day creeps closer to Sunday. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. I don't know what to do with this kid. I've heard of fits over nursery, but most kids are just shy and quiet when they first go to Primary. Owen is on STRIKE and it's all about who budges first. Do I force him? Do I take him home? My latest thoughts were just camp out in an empty classroom till he can control himself... then I think he's just 3.... ahhh.... I'm so frustrated and sad and mad at this stupid "3 by January" rule. Can't I hold him back like in Elementary school? He's just not ready yet.


Wendy said...

Okay, this is so random but this is Wendy (Agle). I found your blog thru your sister Wendy's blog. Wendy's blog is listed on my friend Melissa's blog (she's in my ward). Small world huh?!? Your family is so cute! I hope you're doing well!

Celia said...

Henry just started sunbeams too. And he also cried a little in the beginning. These kinds of things are so frustrating because if you're anything like me, I have no patience and I just want to give up and take them home. I guess all you can do is keep taking him and unless it gets TOTALLY out of hand, just keep sitting with him and hopefully you can slowly phase yourself out. Hang in there!

Nichole said...

Okay Jessica, I wish you could have seen the sunbeam class last year. ______was all over the place and cried for the first few months. _____ wouldn't sit still(even to this day).______ and ______ cried for their mom even when she was there. I could go on and on. I promise he'll get better and better. He really will. We love him and the most important thing about sunbeams is that he learns to love going to Primary. Give him a few weeks and we'll see.=) I adore Owen!

Jessica said...

Nichole - thank you so much. It is nice to hear that people love this little guy and that he is not the only one out there that struggles to "this degree" with primary. I can't imagine that this will go on till he is 10, but I told John he needs to get a sub for the next few weeks while we figure this out. Let's hope this won't last too long - this is one record we don't want to break.

Wendy said...

When I emailed you about a "Sunbeam" post I didn't even know you made a post. I was just teasing you about not "blog bragging" about your difficult Sunday. Hang in there. Maybe I can take a shift with Owen too. See ya in the halls.

Anonymous said...

I taught Sunbeams last year and Owen is definitely in the majority! Believe it or not, a lot of kids are like that. I think you should keep going because the routine of it will only make things get better. It might take a couple weeks, but the day will come. Hang in there!

SUMMER said...

I had a good laugh seeing him run around the church building on sunday! He is so funny!!!

Unknown said...

I think I could fill in most of Nichole's blanks. CATE wouldn't sit still. That's for sure. Because I was in the room though, I kept giving her the evil eye, and we had a signal for when I was telling her to sit back down. All the girl wanted to do was twirl. And talk! Just keep at it, but don't get frustrated. He'll come around.

Vicki said...

Bless you, my child. Be grateful Owen wasn't twins!!

Anonymous said...

i love your "recent quotes!" kids say the funniest things! and blaine can't wait to go to sunbeams. he was sick last week and next week is stake confrence, so his first day of sunbeams will actually be on his 4th birthday! that will be fun! crazy, i have a 4 year old...wierd! :)

Anonymous said...

i love your "recent quotes!" kids say the funniest things! and blaine can't wait to go to sunbeams. he was sick last week and next week is stake confrence, so his first day of sunbeams will actually be on his 4th birthday! that will be fun! crazy, i have a 4 year old...wierd! :)

Janan said...

Roan freaked out about Sunbeams too. (He just moved up to the next class) I bribed him. I gave him a handful of little non-messy candies, like smarties. I told hime very time he got sad to eat one. We did this for about a month, then he started to forget about asking for the candies before he went in. Now it's nooo problem.

Jennifer said...

You are not alone. Yes, Owen is full of energy and spunk and maybe that's not great for church, but later in life he'll be a better and more fun person because of his zest and vivacious personality. Do not go home, do not give in. He'll learn to love it and don't worry it may take all of his sunbeam year for him to realize that primary isn't so bad. He's a good kid, and very lovable. He'll catch on!

Kim said...

My personal experience teaching the sunbeams is as follows: There are some (very few) kids who come into sunbeams that are just shy and calm, like you mentioned. The majority are freaked out to the max and don't know what to do without their mom or dad b/c it isn't like nursury at all. They can't just go get distracted and play with a toy or a friend. They have to be still ... what? Yes these little ever so active 3 year olds are expected to sit like adults for 40 minutes ... yes 40 minutes! Anyways, I think getting them use to primary also has EVERYTHING to do with getting to know the teacher and the kids. It will get better. I had some pretty vivacious 3 year olds myself, but they all were great listeners after a while. The first months are the toughest. :) At least frome teacher's point of view.

Diane said...

He's not the only one crying. I miss him so much it hurts. Give him a kiss from his Grandma.

Jules said...

Callen did NOT take well to Sharing Time. Good news is he just graduated from Sunbeams and I realized that he had finally adjusted! Since I am chorister, Paul would sit with Callen as much as possible and sometimes I just led the music with him hanging on my leg or while holding him. Fun times! The smart Primary Presidencies let the Sunbeams leave for class after a few minutes and gradually keep them longer. Class should definetly have play time and snacks!