Friday, June 5


So last week while I was folding clothes in my living room I looked out my front window to see what looked like brown cloud hovering around my tree. As I walked to my window to get a better look it appeared to be bees. I was so confused as to what was going on. I clearly couldn't go out my front door so I went out the side of my house to get a better look. There were, what looked like 2 basket ball size, colonies of bees that decided to land in my tree.

I immediately called John and told him to come home - then I called Animal Control who then said that since it was on private property we had to call the bee guys. I did that and they explained that it was just some colonies looking for a new home. NOT IN MY TREE! Well it was just temporary - supposedly they don't like trees. Within an hour the first colony left - by the time John came home there was just this one colony.
After waiting a few days... locked up in our house - John decided he was going to get rid of the bees himself.

He didn't have a bee outfit so he made his own... this consisted of a hooded tank wet-suit (he fit into while in HS), a long sleeved shirt, a paint ball shield, jeans, sweats & a trench coat.
After attacking the bees with a water bottle and a hose - he cleaned up and bagged (1/2 of a kitchen trash can full) bees upon bees - almost 30 lbs worth.


Wendy said...

John just looks pretty amp'd to me. No charge for awesomeness, right John?

J-Dub said...

what a nerd!

Christy said...

I'm so glad you put that picture of John on your blog. It still makes me laugh out loud!

Heather said...

ok that sucks about the bees but when i kept reading and saw what john had on . . .i couldn't stop laughing. did you happen to get a pic of the bees he caught? oh crap i'm still laughing....

Janan said...
