Monday, March 31

Smore Sistas!

Well EMILY, I am back and updating (thank you very much). We have had a busy last couple of weeks but it has been very fun! My sister Tracy was here for 10 days and then just recently my sister Elena came down for a few days. It is so nice to have family here (don't worry Wendy - love you too :)), but it was great visiting with my other two baby sisters. This past weekend we went down to the beach and had a bonfire. I absolutely love bonfires at the beach except for ONE thing... that would be the STENCH that radiates off of a person afterwards. Ugh! Here is Elena with all the kids preparing for some smores... yum... right?

Paige was rockin' the smores and loved to make cozy beds on the chairs and look up at the stars. This really makes me excited for summer.
Owen loved it! He would dance to the music (our fellow bonfirers) and run around like he was right out of lord of the flies... what a cutie!
Hey - anyone up for another Bonfire? This was a lot of fun - next time we need to do foil dinners!!!


Kim said...

Fun! I hope it warms up again soon so that we can do the same thing.

SUMMER said...

I LOVE bonfires... but you are sure right about the stench! It just lingers in your clothes forever. I am up for a fun bonfire! Fun weekend... can't get better than the beach and sisters!!!

Tracy said...

That looks like so much fun. I love bonfires, but like you I also dread the stench that comes with it.

Christy said...

I love the family pictures. It is so crazy how your family can grow so fast. Although it doesn't really look complete yet.

Jenny said...

So true, Christy...
I can't wait for summer either. Looks like fun!