Monday, March 24

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone!!! We had such a great Easter - not only was it my "Free Day" (for those of you who know about the program) but it was a really fun day and the kids had a great time. The day started with a wonderful surprise from the Easter Bunny. He not only left the kids baskets full of goodies, eggs were hidden too. (We have a nice neighbor a few houses down named Cori - she hid some eggs out front for the kids and our neighbors... it was really cute and nice of her). Here is our family just before going to church. Are we seriously all matching??? Um... guess so - the kids were planned and it just kinda worked out for John and me. The family came over to our house for Easter dinner - all that work and not one picture of the fabulous meal... seriously?? Thanks Jenny, Adrienne, Wendy and Tiff for all your help. After we stuffed ourselves we went over to search for more eggs near our home. The kids were all ready to go. It's so funny how these kids have different preferences... Owen was after anything Chocolate (that's my boy), little Ezra just wanted to throw all the eggs back, Kate was so sad just at the thought of the hunt being over and Paige, Skylar and Savanah were after the money. Yes there was a golden egg with $10 in it and Savanah found it. Paige found an egg with $5.00 so I told her she was lucky. That bunny sure is generous!
Owen hunting...
Paige hunting...


Meggan said...

Cute family! Where did you get your dress? There were two people in my ward wearing the same exact one!

A $10 egg? I wish I came to your hunt.

Rubymelt said...

What a beautiful family! Great genetics, I tell ya. Happy Easter!!

Wendy said...

Let's hear it for a great Guilt-Free" day.
Tess loved to hunt for eggs. The arts and crafts were pretty cool too.

Tracy said...

I already miss my "Free Day".

Can you imagine if we hunted for "Golden Eggs" growing up? It would of turned ugly quick!

Suzanne said...

Cute dress! I have that one too. Oh and the blue & brown one. I couldn't decide which one to buy so got them all. One has to go back!! I envy your warm weather. My kids searched for eggs in 30 degree weather. Brrr:)

Janan said...

I'm laughing Jessica, cause my Paige has the same dress as your Paige. And Roan had the same green vest and plaid shirt as your boys! GO Target!

Sara Decker said...

That family picture is so cute. Love it. Those outfits look so cute on the boys, i got the same ones and then took them i wish i would have kept them, they are adorable. I am loving Owens buzzed hair, i seriously want to try it on Bennett.

SUMMER said...

Your family Easter pic is SO great!!! I LOVE everyone matching in colors!!

Jules said...

Love your dress! And way to coordinate! Everyone looks great and the egg hunt sounds like a blast.

Emily said...

You guys took a fabulous picture! What a good lookin family! How are our kids getting so big?

Jenny said...

Cutest ever! I almost shed a tear when I saw you guys in church. All matching! So sweet! Looks like fun. Last year, Cate had had a hunt all by herself at Brad's aunt's house. (Sad) Anyway, because she already had so much candy, his grandfather put all money in the eggs. She probably ended up with about $20.00. Pretty sweet, huh? She was so pleased with herself. But an egg "hunt" by yourself is pretty pathetic!

Tarah said...

what an adorable family picture all color coordinated! Look at all those kids!