Wednesday, November 7


Ok, SARA "TAGGED" me the other day and I've just been too lazy to think of Seven things... so don't hold your breath.

1. List the link to your tagger (like I did with Sara) and also post these following rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird, etc.
3. Tag 7 people at the the end of your blog also leaving the links to their blogs
4. Let them know they are "TAGGED" by leaving a comment on their blog

THE FACTS...strange or not ~

1. I have a criminal record. I know - crazy hugh? Don't worry it isn't glamorous! When I was a teenager some friend and I snuck into our high school pools and got caught - we were therefore arrested for... drum roll... Trespassing and Curfew! I know it's pathetic, but I did have to do 20 hours of community service at a local park which later got me one of my favorite jobs in college at a local park/daycare. Who knew?

2. I'm addicted to chocolate. Yes, I'm sure you all think that you are... but you aren't. If chocolate is in the room I HAVE to have it. I can not refuse it, of any kind. I use to love Milk Chocolate, but as my taste for chocolate has matured I have grown to love Dark Chocolate (The Real Chocolate Lovers Choice) even more. I love all types of chocolate and anything made with chocolate - I think if Cocaine was covered in chocolate I would take it... I'm kidding!

3. I love to argue. Ok, that sounds horrible and it kind of is, but that's not exactly what I mean. Ever since my Debate days in high school I love to take a side and stick with it till the bitter end. Sometimes I will find myself, embarrassing enough, arguing things I have NO IDEA about. I have learned to admit this problem and I am seeking help to control this horrible habit I have. The problem now is that people that know this about me now don't believe a word I say. I have been known to make things up in the past and I no longer do that... I think?

4. I don't like sports. Never have... can't imagine that I ever will. I think the biggest problem here is lack of knowledge. I know nothing about the rules and how to play - therefore how can I truly enjoy the game? right? I think this stems from being raised in a house with mainly girls. To give you an example I was once talking to Adrienne about Football. I said, "I don't get it...everyone is tackling everyone out there - why don't they each take about 8 players off the team and then play, it would be less crowded out there." I think she literally laughed in my face.

5. I'm the worst speller in the world. I think it is genetic, because my Dad says he is bad too. I hate to say it but some times I don't even try - I just ask John if he is in the room. You may think they are type-o's and they might be, but half the time I'm just that dumb!

6. I have always wanted to be a SPY! Or anything like that - a detective, private investigator... whatever. I think I dream up things just to use my detective intuition. I think the Sorensen girls were born with it. I can't wait to bust out (yes I said bust out) my skills when my teenagers try and get away with things!

7. I love the arts. I love museums, plays, musicals or anything like that - what is the last thing I've done... oh I think it was Go Diego Go! The problem is I am never able to see anything. I can't tell you the last Museum exhibit I've been to - it's been years since I've seen a play or musical. I long for it, but yet since I've been married - it just hasn't happened. I still reminisce about my single days that I spent doing those things. Some day John.... someday.

You have been tagged.

Heather - that's right you got to start a post sometime.
Adrienne - com' on
Emily S. - Bring it
Lori - Let's hear it
Christy - I know, you just made a post
Amber - You know you love it
Stacy - I can't wait to hear what you have to say


Sara Decker said...

Love it. I have a criminal record too for the exact same thing...execpt mine was on a date and we climbed the wall to the BYU stadium....and got caught. Oops. Too bad that guy was lame.

Stacy Sorensen said...

I just filled my Tag quota for today. I hope you enjoy, just don't tell my Mom. :)

I didn't leave my list because a smelly diaper can not be ignored any longer. I will add later.

Jules said...

I am totally with you on the sports thing. Lack of athletic talent hasn't helped.

I love your entry about arguing a point. I've been known to "make up" info when asked a question--I call it an educated guess. I like to think I am so knowledgeable. Also I'm usually right, so. . .

Kim said...

I can't get over the criminal record thing. That's hilarious! I almost got caught doing something similar, but in the backwoods of North Carolina, there's only one cop in town and he can't be everywhere at once.

Celia said...

I was unaware of your prolific arguing tendencies/skills. I, myself, also debated in high school. Hmmm.... Perhaps I should call my mom now and tell her not to sit us next to each other at Thanksgiving....? Boy would that be a showdown.