Friday, January 15

Olive - 9 months old

slow down... slow down.... It is all going by way too fast. But yet I seem to love her more and more each day. Olive is 9 months old today and it seems as though, over the last month, she has grown up faster than the previous 8 months. This last month she has 1) Switched to Bottles; 2) Had her Crib Lowered; 3) Started Crawling 4) Started Pulling Herself Up (hence #2); 5) Had to switch to clips because her hair is too long for headbands; and 6) Started following me around crying at my feet.

She still has NO teeth - which is amazing since all 3 of the other kids had teeth by now. She loves her blanket and still sucks her two fingers. She smiles when you sing "Ollie Pop, Ollie Pop, oh Ollie.. Ollie Ollie, Ollie Pop!" She wiggles her little wrists and shakes her feet when you are about to pick her up. She could be in a silent cry but when she is held she will stop immediately. She loves to eat faces and still grabs at everything in reach - amazingly enough even things thought to be out of reach.

She has me convinced that she could do no wrong. She'll never be sassy to me. She'll never lie to me. She will always love me. I'm hooked.

1 comment:

Christy said...

She is precious! I love when you are in that phase where they seem so perfect. Hopefully she will stay perfect for a long time and never talk back to you!