Monday, September 29

Tooth Fairy is slacking...

Last week Paige pulled her loose tooth out while she was at school. She was very excited for the Tooth Fairy to come as most children are. Well that night she put it under her pillow and in the morning she came in with a sad look on her face saying that the Tooth Fairy never came.
Oh, no. I said, "well the Tooth Fairy is really busy - she'll come tonight." Paige kept her tooth with her all day long - she brought it out to dinner with us, took it to school and watched over it to make sure it stayed safe for the Tooth Fairy the next night. That next night during family prayer she even mentioned her tooth and the Tooth Fairy. Well the next morning to her great disappointment the Tooth Fairy didn't come. "What is with the Tooth Fairy?" I thought. Geez, get it together. Paige was really sad now thinking the Tooth Fairy would never come. That night I told her that she had to make sure her tooth was really clean and she had to make sure she was always brushing her teeth because the Tooth Fairy only likes clean teeth. It was time for bed and John came up to help put the kids to bed. He told Paige to stop messing around and leave Owen's tooth brush alone. He picked it up and rinsed it and put it away. Before Paige or I could say anything he rinsed her tooth down the drain. Poor Paige burst into tears, "Now the Tooth Fairy will never come!" I tried to calm her down. We wrote a note telling the Tooth Fairy her story and put it under her pillow along with another note over the sink that had her tooth. The next day Paige woke up with a nice note from the Tooth Fairy apologizing for not coming the past two nights. She said she was able to crawl down the sink and get the tooth. Paige was so excited. That Tooth Fairy needs to get her act together!


Nichole said...

I love it! The Dart family tooth fairy is always late too. In fact she usually comes during breakfast. You can tell Paige that she is not alone.

Emily said...

the tooth fairy sucks at our house. The kids are lucky if she comes the following night but it would help if they all didn't loose their teeth at the same time - at $3 a tooth she's going broke! ($3 wasn't so bad when Reilly lost her first tooth - now it's just getting pricey)

Wendy said...

Sad. Let's hear it for creativity.

Janan said...

Lol. Sometimes our toothfairy comes during the day while they are watching a show or playing outside. Once she got confused because we were on vacation. Once she forgot to take the tooth, and left even more money the next night, with a thankyou note.

Christy said...

Wish the tooth fairy would visit our house. Oh yeah, maybe someone needs to lose a tooth first!

Diane said...

I remember explaining that the tooth fairy was really a circuit tooth fairy and made rounds in our area every few weeks instead of every night. On another occasion, we said we though she spoke Spanish and had to write a note in Spanish.

Amber said...

That's a great story. Good thinking mom. I wouldn't have been that clever. Good job.

Jules said...

I'm glad it's not just me. I am horrible at any fantasy-play stuff: Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, The Great Pumpkin. . . I don't think any of my kids ever believed in any of these--but they were happy to play along and receive the loot.

Lori said...

Our tooth fairy was on vacation for a week when megan's tooth came out.