Saturday, April 10

Spring Break 2010

We decided to go up to Utah for Spring Break this year. Last year we were stuck at home, I was 9 months pregnant with Olive and the kids went stir crazy... thought this would be a better idea this year.

John drove up and back with us, but went home during the week via airplane. We thought driving straight through would be the way to go but we hit a terrible blizzard at 2 a.m. during our drive there. Yikes! We made it though.... exhausted and tired but alive.

So is this what Spring Break is? Why did we leave warm 80 degree California again??? Hmm...

The kids were excited as ever to see snow... good thing we brought jackets. :)
We attempted to see How to Train A Dragon... Olive had other ideas - bit Paige and Owen stayed and liked it. Afterwards, for every one's amusement - we paid too much to watch the kids suffer through a 30 second machine simulated Hurricane. They looked funny... that was about it.

We also took the time to visit the local mall and Smash Burger... why is it that other malls always have better play areas than ours. It really bums me out. Smash burger was excellent -- there is no way it can be healthy though... it was too tasty.
My Brock enjoying a lemonade.
Olive crawled all around this dirty floor enjoying herself - once again... why not our mall???
Owen --- these are the looks I often get from Owen. Not sure what it means ;)
Brock was into getting his picture taken - he kept saying, "mommy now me." As opposed to Olive or anyone else. I love this one... too bad he isn't on a sandy beach.
This is another classic.
Owen (who kept sneaking off) almost gave me a heart attack. Here he was on a giant globe.

We also went to some restaurant that I can't remember the name of... who does that? Oh yeah, me. Our cook was hilarious... super entertaining. The kids loved all the tricks and food.

Savanah, Fletcher, Skylar and Paige.
Rod and Julie
Me and Olive - I think it's so funny how she smiles for the camera... (look back at our IHOP night too.)

John and Owen

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Our spring break consisted of coughing, fevers, trips to doctor and antibiotics. Lily and Eva were both sick for pretty much to entire week. So, Jack was my stir crazy one. He would have welcomed anything...even snow.