Tuesday, January 20

Blogging Hiatus...

Yes, I know! My blogging has been horrible lately. I haven't even been checking blogs (sorry). Needless to say December was a crazy month - I'm trying my best to get back on track. As of lately we have been super busy trying to switch rooms around for the new arrival of our baby (coming in April). We moved the playroom downstairs with the office - now it's an Office/Playroom. We'll have to see how that works, so far so good. We are moving Paige into the old playroom and the baby will take over Paige's old room when she comes. Owen and Brock are moving into Bunk Beds as soon as we can find the ones we want and we are painting all three of the kids rooms upstairs. That is a lot to do in the next 3 months. Wish me luck! I will do my best to keep the blog up to date.


Christy said...

You are nesting. I can't believe you only have three months. Seriously.

Heather said...

Jess, love all the updates! Good luck on all the transitioning for baby #4. It'll be here before you know it :)

Stacy said...

Sounds like you need a vacation. Maybe DC? Just let us know.

Jamie! said...

We want a picture! Some of us haven't seen you at all! Please! (To clarify, that's a pregnant picture of you that we want a picture of.)

Becca's Blog said...

Such a cute family. I will wish you the best for the next several months. It sounds like you are definitely nesting!